
The deadline for abstract submission is March 30th, 2025.

  1. Please note that there is a limit of TWO abstract submissions per presenter - each registrant may be selected for only one oral presentation and/or only one poster presentation.
  2. The Technical Committee will select submissions for oral or poster presentations. In some cases, one oral and one poster presentation may be approved.
  3. Under exceptional circumstances and prior notification of absence, the PPS 2025 Technical Co-Chairs may grant approval for another presenter to give a presentation on behalf of the absentee. In such cases, the presenter is asked to send a request in writing to with appropriate justification.
  4. Your abstract may be 400 words in length.
  5. Select whether you would like to be considered for a POSTER or an ORAL Presentation. Please select both if you do not have a preference. Please note that the PPS 2025 Technical Co-Chairs reserve the right to change your selection based on the abstract submitted.

Please note that PPS 2025 will be publishing a conference book of abstracts, but we will not be publishing full paper proceedings of the conference.

Please note that PPS 2025 cannot accommodate specific time slots due to the size of the conference.

Submit an Abstract