PPS 2025 has numerous sponsorship packages to give high visibility to our sponsors throughout the conference. Sponsoring the PPS 2025 conference provides you with a targeted audience for your message and product, as well as an excellent marketing opportunity. Please note that sponsorship packages are in USD and can be shared by two or more organizations to make up the total value of the contribution.
Platinum Sponsor - US$ | $10,000 | 1 Available
Platinum Sponsor - US$ | $10,000 | 1 Available
Opening Ceremony and Keynote Talks
Sponsoring the Opening Ceremony will give your organization exclusive exposure at the outset of the conference, with an opportunity to address the audience during the ceremony. The Keynote Talks will feature world-renowned experts in the fields of Polymer Composites, Biopolymers and Additive Manufacturing. Your contribution will help us support these illustrious and distinguished keynote speakers.
By becoming the Platinum Sponsor, your organization will receive the following exciting incentives:
- Opportunity to address the audience during the Opening Ceremony
- Opportunity for a large display of your organization's logo on event signage, in printed materials, and on a 50-word profile of your company on the PPS 2025 website with a link to your organization's website
- Full page, colour advertisement on the back cover of the event program
- Exhibition booth space in a prime location at the poster session
- Verbal recognition and appreciation as a Platinum Sponsor in opening and closing remarks
- Opportunity to place organization promotional items in conference kit bags
- Opportunity to place organization signage and promotional materials at the conference and banquet tables
- Three complimentary conference registration
Diamond Sponsor - US$ | $7,500 | 2 Available
Diamond Sponsor - US$ | $7,500 | 2 Available
Banquet Dinner
The PPS 2025 banquet will take place on September 23. As a Diamond Sponsor, your company will enjoy exclusive sponsorship of an event which is ideal for networking and for promoting your organization. Industry professionals may collaborate with other industries to form a partnered sponsorship.
By becoming a Diamond Sponsor, your organization will have the following advantages:
- Opportunity for a large display of your organization's logo on event signage, in printed materials, and on the PPS 2025 website with a link to your organization's website
- Full page, interior colour ad in the conference book of abstracts
- Recognition of your contribution as a Diamond Sponsor in opening and closing remarks and at the Banquet
- Exhibition booth space in a prime location at the poster session
- Opportunity to distribute your organization's promotional items to conference delegates
- Two complimentary conference registrations
Gold Sponsors - US$ | $5,000 | 6 available
Gold Sponsors - US$ | $5,000 | 6 available
Plenary Sessions (5)
By sponsoring the Plenary Sessions, your organization will be prominently displayed during these highly popular events central to the conference. The Plenary Sessions will feature talks by world-renowned experts in the fields of Polymer Composites, Biopolymers and Additive Manufacturing and are attended by all conference delegates. Your contribution will help us support these illustrious and distinguished plenary speakers.
Welcome Reception (1)
Sponsoring the Welcoming Reception, the PPS 2025 Executive Board will give your organization exclusive exposure at the outset of this networking event.
By becoming a Gold Sponsor, your organization will have the following advantages:
- Opportunity for a large display of your organization's logo on event signage, in printed materials, and on the PPS 2025 website with a link to your organization's website
- Full page, interior colour ad in the conference book of abstracts
- Recognition of your contribution as a Gold Sponsor in opening and closing remarks and at the Plenary Sessions or Welcome Reception
- Opportunity to distribute your organization's promotional items to conference delegates
- One complimentary conference registration
Silver Sponsors - US$| $4,000 | 5 Available
Silver Sponsors - US$| $4,000 | 5 Available
Registration Sponsor
Every attendee will visit the Registration Desk where they will pick up their badge and program. As the Registration Sponsor your organization will be prominently displayed for the duration of the registration period.
Conference Promotional Materials Sponsor
The book of abstracts is one of the most important components of the conference and every delegate will be given a copy of this publication. All of the cutting-edge research that is presented in the conference will be summarized in the book of abstracts. As the sponsor of Conference Promotional Materials, your organization will contribute to the printing of all conference publications and promotional materials.
Silver Sponsorship includes the following advantages:
- Your company logo will appear on the PPS 2025 website with a link to your website and will be printed in the conference program
- Your company logo will be published in the conference book of abstracts
- Welcome signage with company logo at registration area
- Opportunity to distribute your organization's promotional items to conference delegates
- One complimentary conference registration
Bronze Sponsor - US$ | $3,000 | 9 Available
Bronze Sponsor - US$ | $3,000 | 9 Available
Coffee Break Sponsor (5)
As the sponsor of the coffee break your company will be featured prominently around the coffee and snack tables during the event. This an is ideal for networking and for promoting your organization as most conference attendees will be present.
Student Achievement Award Sponsor (1)
As the Sponsor of the Student Achievement Award your company will be an important part of the award presentation through logo placement and signage opportunities. Your attending VIP will have the opportunity to present the award to the designated student winner.
Technological Sponsor (3)
The PPS 2025 conference offers three options for our Technological Sponsors:
- As the Audio-Visual Sponsor your company will be a prominently featured element at the award presentation through logo placement and signage opportunities.
- As a Website Sponsor your organization will help support the conference website which provides vital conference information and the latest news and updates of PPS 2025.
- By becoming a Media Sponsor, your organization will help us with conference media related costs such as video and photography of all important conference events.
By becoming a Bronze Sponsor, your organization will have the following advantages:
- Your company logo will appear on the PPS 2025 website with a link to your website, and it will be included in the conference program
- Your company logo will be published in the conference book of abstracts
- Recognition as a Sponsor at the Student Achievement Award ceremony (Student Achievement Sponsor only)
- Opportunity to distribute your organization's promotional items to conference delegates
- One complimentary full admittance passes to the conference
Supporting Sponsors - US$ | $2,000
Supporting Sponsors - US$ | $2,000
All PPS 2025 Supporting Sponsors are greatly appreciated. By supporting this conference, your organization will have the following opportunities:
- Access to a common Brochure Table, where your business cards and product brochures will be displayed and available to conference attendees in a central location
- Your company logo will appear on the PPS 2025 website with a link to your website, and be included in the conference program
- Your company logo will be published in the conference book of abstracts
- One complimentary full admittance pass to the conference